
Legendary Skial King
Price check on this please? I see there are only 3 and I can't find a ballpark figure.


Legendary Skial King
Good friend that lives down the street uncrated it and had no idea what he had. I stopped him from being sharked and told him to hold it until I could get a ballpark on it. I figured 30 at the kow end.

A very unexpected anal

Server-Clearing Cynic
He should keep it until there's a firm price if he wants to sell it. Some people are asking for 60. With that hat he should be careful with people adding him. Just tell him don't click the links.


Australian Skial God
He should keep it until there's a firm price if he wants to sell it. Some people are asking for 60. With that hat he should be careful with people adding him. Just tell him don't click the links.

The price will probably go down soon, people will loose intrest in the effect. and people are always trying to sell overpriced stuff