
Somewhat Threatening Sniper
Servers Casual US 1,2 and 3, Saxton Hale US, Freak Fortress NY, 2Fort NY,2fort US

Time Zone EST

Link to your stats page

Playing time on Skial servers. Not TF2 total. 100 hours minimum. 599

Will you get mad if you lose admin? Nah if things don't work out then that is fine it is how things go

How do you ban yourself for "obvious aimbot" using your own SteamID?

Please read the guide here
sm_addban 0 "#[U:1:297156731]" "Obvious Aimbot"

Anything else you feel like saying
I often play most of the servers I have listed daily.
I plan to get more active on the forums soon.
I have applied for admin due to noticing problematic people on the servers. whether it is cheaters or blatant racism through voice or text chat that often doesn't get reported by people since they don't think to record
I hope you consider my application for admin I just wish to make the servers a more enjoyable place for the player base.


Gaben's Own Aimbot

Honestly not impressed at all with your chatlog, hopefully you can get some community support.


TF2 Admin
THE MENTLE INSTITUTION10/25/2023 - 12:09:28 AM🔗Tear Walkertoad why you sound like a stoner and a whore at the same time

Marking this app improve for now until you fixed your chat logs. Hope you could show us becoming a good player by following server rules in our community and supporting. You may reapply again in 1 month if you feel this has changed significantly.