Recent content by Bon

  1. Bon

    R.S.G.P for Tf2 items

    I'm selling some RSGP, I currently have 70m stocked, might sell 55M for buds soon, though I added you.
  2. Bon

    ~~ Selling RuneScape Gold Coins for TF2 Items ~~

    bumping this thread
  3. Bon

    ~~ Selling RuneScape Gold Coins for TF2 Items ~~

    Hello there, my dear traders and merchants. PS: I am looking forward to trade all the RSGP I currently have for 1 Earbud and 1 Bill's Hat. Why? I simply like them. I am here today in business means, I am here to trade my RuneScapeGold Pieces for Team Fortress 2 goodies. I have whereabout...