
You propably don't Give a fuck about this, but I need to say it to someone...
Tomorrow is my birthday, and I am sad because my favorite thing in this world is playing Tf2, BUT I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE.

You'll said: Dude Casual Mode isn't bad, bla bla valve, bla bla, goo update, bla bla; Maybe not for you, but for me is a fucking mess, 10 min queue times to get matched in Chileans Servers with +250 ping
And... How about Community servers (more like idle servers)
yeah, community servers all of it running cp_orange_x3 or tf20 or randomizer (god how i hate that fuckin' mod) or a few normal servers all of it empty with bots, adds and high ping (maybe ping is a big problem for me cause I live in Panama (Virginia Servers: 80 ping), also, Skial servers always with the same maps and people (thanks skial, there’s the only way to play for me at this moment)
I feel like we don’t have a voice for Valve… Who asked this update? Who asked for this casual mode? Idk, but the only thing that I know is IT WAS NOT ME OR MY FRIENDS.
Maybe valve is tired of this game, maybe they’re killing it, I can understand it, I mean they’ve games like Counter which gives them trouble and money alike, maybe tf2 is just a problem and not a golden mine anymore, well that was all I’m tired of queue times, tired of getting matched with the same people (btw can someone explain me why the fuck I’m getting matched always with the same guys?, maybe is cause I live in Panama :/)

Author: Javier_tf2