
Somewhat Threatening Sniper
Hey guys,

I want to trade my MAIN League of Legends Account on the Server EUW. Currently Ranked: Gold 3.


- all champions
- tons of skins (about 70) - skin list at the end
- 20 runepages with a lot of runes
- + 24k IP for even more champions or Runes

Skins: 70 Skins ++

Foxfire Ahri
Nurse Akali
Unchained Alistar
Freljord Ashe
Cryocore Brand
Nightmare Cho'Gath
Dragonwing Corki - Legendary
Bioforge Darius
Mundo Mundo
Soul Reaver Draven
Victorious Elise
Pulsfire Ezreal - ultimate
Spectral Fiddlesticks
Spooky Gangplank
Scuba Gragas, Santa Gragas
Riot Graves
Alien Invader heimerdinger
Nightblade Irelia, Aviator Irelia, Frostblade Irelia
Vandal Jax
Mafia Jinx
Grim Reaper Karthus
Mercenary Katarina
Battleborn Kayle
Arctic Ops Kennen
Lion Dance Kog'Mow - Legendary
Traditional Lee Sin, Dragon Fist Lee Sin
Pool Party Leona
Glacial Malphite
Vizier malzahar, Shadow Prince malzahar
Assassin Master Yi
Infernal Morderkaiser
Galactic Nasus
Forsaken Olaf
Gothic Orianna
Freljord Rammus
Galactic Renekton
Battle Bunndy Riven
Uncle Ryze
Traditional Sejuani, Bear Cavalry Sejuani (1300)
Asylum Shaco
Yellow Jacket Shen, Warlord Shen
Darkflame Shyvana
Surfer Singed, Augmented Singed
Sandscourge Skarner
Guqin Sona
Renegade Talon, Dargonblade Talon
Emerald Taric
Riot Girl Tristana
Traditional Trundle
Demonblade Tryndamere (Legendary)
Whistler Village Twitch
Primal Udyr
Blood Lord Vladimir ( Legendary )
Big Bad Warwick
General Wukong
Imerpial Xin Zhao
Undertaker Yorick
Shockblade Zed
Mad Scientist Ziggs
Wildfire Zyra

CARE: old list, there are some more new skins on this acc, like SSW Talon.

Lowballers: instantly blocked

Im searching for a expensive Knife or other high valued CSGO Skins.
You can also make an offer or tell me the Price you would pay for this Account.

Add me on Steam with a message about this topic:

Any questions? Im ready to answer.