
Somewhat Threatening Sniper
Premium (Obviously)
Purchased in alpha (Free DLC More info on this below)

Free DLC info:

Anyone who bought the game during beta/alpha will recieve free DLC+Updates, While people who buy it after the official release (1.0.0) will have to pay extra for DLC.

Here's what i'd like for it, if you don't have any of this, Trade me and make an offer.

1:A bills+1 key.
2:5 Keys+2 refined.
3:12 Refined.

This seem's MORE than reasonable, Mainly because minecraft is 20$ now, And these are less than 15$. Plus the account will recieve free DLC like stated above.

Again, like stated above, if you don't have any of this, Trade and make an offer, I'm not accepting stranges, But i will accept hats/other things, Serious offers only please.

I'm willing to do a middleman, I have no problem with you changing the password, Contact me on steam if interested, Markeo55
