
Scarcely Lethal Noob
So I have this pretty old account (from around the beta) for sale since I have not played the game in years and figured someone might like it being ranked ready with shit-ton of skins (around 400-500euros worth).

It has never been higher than Gold 1 (1690 elo once) and has not been played on for 2 years, exept for one game I played just testing my new pc one year back.

What I want for account is around 90e+ CS:GO Knife or 100e+ worth of skins. I am open for all offers, Karambits and Butterfly Knives are the best offers.

Im going to see dad for fathers day, will be back by the night.
Add me on steam for discussion:
You need to go first.

List of skins:
Midnight Ahri, Popstar Ahri
Stinger Akali, Crimson Akali, Nurse Akali
Matador Alistar, Unchained Alistar
Pharaoh Amumu, Almost Prom-King Amumu
Frostfire Annie
Freljord Ashe, Woad Ashe
Apocalyptic Brand
Resistance Caitlyn
Nightmare Cho'Gath, Loch Ness Cho'Gath
Hotrod Corki
Biorod Darius
Frozted Ezreal
Bandito Fiddlesticks
Tundra Fizz
Enchanted Galio
Spooky Gangplank
Sanguine Garen
Hired Gun Graves
Blastzone Heimerdinger
Nightblade Irelia, Infiltrator Irelia,
Commando Jarvan IV, Dragonslayer Jarvan IV, Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV
Angler Jax, Jaximus
Phantom Karthus
Pre-Void Kassadin
Judgement Kayle
Deadly Kennen, Karate Kennen, Arctic Ops Kennen
Prestigious LeBlanc
Traditional Lee Sin, Acolyte Lee SIn, Dragonfist Lee Sin, Muy Thai Lee Sin
Sorceress Lux
Vizier Malzahar
Assasin Master Yi
Secret Agent Miss Fortune
Pentakill Mordekaiser
Blademistress Morgana
French Maid Nidalee
Frozen Terror Nocturne, Void NOcturne
Gothic Orianna
Galactic Renekton, Rune Wars Renekton
Redeemed Riven, Battle Bunny RIven
Rumble In The Jungle
Traditional Sejuani
Royal Shaco
Frozen Shen, Yellow Jacket Shen
Boneclaw Shyvana
Bandit Sivir
Sandscourge Skarner
Dryad Soraka
Renegade Talon
Bloodstone Taric
Super Teemo
Riot Girl Tristana
Lil Slugger Trundle
VIking Tryndamere
Black Belt Udyr, Primal Udyr
Aristocrat Vayne, Heartseeker Vayne
Count Vladimir, Vandal Vladimir
Big Bad Warwick, Tundra Hunter Warwick, Feral Warwick
Volcanic Wukong, General Wukong, Jade Dragon Wukong
Commando Xin Zhao, Viscero Xin Zhao
Undertaker Yorick