
Why do so many servers limit clientside network settings?
(Note: I don't hate the servers mentioned.)

Today I found out that skial forces rate to be atleast 200k. This pisses me off, because there are players that need rate below 200k, likely because they cannot handle packets that fast.

There's other servers that force net settings too. Uncletopia forces the rate to be at most 100k. People like me actually need rate higher than 100k, because their router can take advantage of extra bandwidth. There was another server whose name I forgot that forced `cl_interp_ratio` to *1*. [Here's why this is a bad idea!](

This just irritates the shit out of me, because it forces me to play with network issues that otherwise wouldn't be there. Why are server owners in general *allowed* to limit network settings in the first place? Your server should be able to handle a diverse set of players with varying client side network settings. If your server forces on terrible network settings, or forces them to be a specific type, it's just a sign that it is a terrible server, and only limits the amount of players that will enjoy your server.

TL;DR Stop forcing specific, shitty client-side network settings! They are client-side for a reason!

P.S What server *doesn't* limit client-side network settings?

Author: Amicdict