Chief of Bears

Legendary Skial King
Bronze 4 here as well. Team is usually the problem. Here's an example, latest game lost due to enemy Vayne being fed 16 kills. 10 of which under 15 minutes while I kept back the enemy Kayle down a ton of farm and was fed myself as Darius.


Epic Skial Regular
Attempting to move up to bronze 1 either tonight or tomorrow... 1/3 in my promotion series atm.


Mildly Menacing Medic
I played LoL once, I remember after 15-20 bot games of boredom I tried to play my first game with people. I attempted to learn first so not to be shit and get yelled at.... Get in game, pick character im familiar with..... entire team hates me for my pick, yells at me all game for not buying the right things at the start and then as it turns out I at least went 6-4 my first game and my shitty angry team were all negative lol

My rank? Uninstaller lvl 1


Scarcely Lethal Noob
Gold 2.. I've never been in Silver.. and thank god, it seems like hell from what I've seen around.