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Hello, my username is nsm

I have been on Skial servers since I don't know how long, but as of recently a message is popping up, that I am using a VPN or IP range commonly used by hackers and that I could be banned.

I love skial and have been playing on your servers for a very long time, but each time I use my phone to connect to the internet instead of conventional internet, I use the PDANet app through T-Mobile.

My concern is that I might be banned for doing this, even though I have been using my phone carrier's internet with no problems at all, for about three years.
Should I be worried about getting banned ? Thank you.
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The level requirements only prevent you from being kicked, it will not prevent you from being banned if a hacker was banned on that IP, hence the warning.

We recently saw someone complain about being banned on t-mobile, which is why we just listed the IP range as a vpn.