
Notably Dangerous Demo-Knight
First of all, I apologize if this has already been brought up. I'll make quick and simple, increase 40% user vote for team scramble to 55%. On 64 player severs the vast majority of players tend to vote no for the scramble, but because the minimum of 40% managed to vote it overrides the majority rule. Thus resulting in frustration and users leaving the severs, killstreaks end, the flow over the battle changes. I can't tell you how many killstreaks I have had ended because someone get's frustrated and takes the easy way out by voting.

Another change for the voting I would implement is reducing the kick percentage to 85% because so often it almost passes. In my experience the following happens quite often: the vote is missed by a single vote or two (which is much more common than with other votes) and/or a player inevitably says "I hit the wrong button." Decreasing the percentage solves this issue as well as re-enforces that this vote is a consequence, not a deterrent. Whenever this specific vote is suggested, people say "what's the use? It never goes through anyway" or "broken skial", etc.

My third, and final suggestion is to enforce a time limit for spectators. If someone spends more than 30 minutes in Spectate, they should be flagged as AFK. The amount of times I have had to keep spamming the join button or manually entering the IP into the console, only to find out the reason it took so long for me to join is because there a handful of players in spectate taking up slots is mind blowing. It's unfair to the players who are actually trying to join and play.

Hopefully we can do something about this, because I know this is a common complaint.


increase 40% user vote for team scramble to 55%
This has been explained many times. The reason why it is below 50% is because people on the stomping team always vote no. And the people on the losing team usually has less players than the winning team, so 50% never passes.

reducing the kick percentage to 85% because so often it almost passes
The reason why it is so high is to avoid kick abuse. We often get people on reddit claiming that got kick or banned by an admin. If a person is being a problem and a high vote kick percentage is a problem for you, report the player instead.

enforce a time limit for spectators
There already is a time limit for spectators. They only get kicked when the server is full.

he amount of times I have had to keep spamming the join button or manually entering the IP into the console, only to find out the reason it took so long for me to join is because there a handful of players in spectate taking up slots is mind blowing.

This doesn't happen anymore. I recently rewrote the reserved slots plugin to not wait to verify steamid.
