
To Valve: How to fix TF2 in 3 easy steps
So TF2 is in a bit of a mess right now (duh). However, I've noticed that there are a few things that the community are constantly complaining about, and some things that will help the situation of TF2 greatly. So, Valve, here are 3 easy steps to stop one of your most valuable IP's from dying a slow death.

1. Casual needs to last more than one round. It's much better than launch, but the main problem I'd say about 75% of the community has with it is having to leave the server after the game. The way this can be fixed is by having a choice on the victory screen: Stay on Server or Disconnect. Those who disconnect will be replaced by people queueing. This way, those who like the people on the server can stay, while those who want change server can do so and are replaced.

1.a) Building on this, there should votes on the victory screen (or anywhere really) such as extending map, next map, etc. Obviously this wouldn't make sense without the last thing, hence the number.

2. Fix the goddamn SERVER BROWSER. It's clear that Valve wants the community to take over with the old-style TF2 shenanigans, and I'm fine with that. In fact, maybe this is better, because in all honesty I fully support TF2 going into a more competitive style. It will allow TF2 to be taken more seriously, and maybe even make it a viable eSport. But the server browser in its current state is crap. How are we supposed to find the vanilla servers that are supposed to be the bulk of the community servers, when they're buried under Saxton Hale, x10, Death Run, trade, cp_orange, full crits and Ponyville servers? Valve needs to bring the community browser up to today's standards by, say, finding good vanilla servers (eg. TFCrew, Skial(?), etc.) and placing them in a Quickplay-esque menu so they're easy to find. Then, if someone wants to go on a Saxton Hale, x10 or trade server, they can go in a separate menu - maybe the same as the current, maybe a redesigned one, it doesn't really matter. My point is, if they want the community to take over the pub mentality, they need to allow vanilla servers to be more visible. And the current server browser doesn't allow that.

3. (Jeez this is getting long. Don't worry though, this one will be relatively short)
A lot of people have already said this, but WE NEED PLACEMENT MATCHES IN MM. The current system of everyone starting in Fresh Meat is crap. I think we need to reset everyone's stats in Comp, then make them play 10 placement matches where they are judged on the amount of points they get, NOT on whether they win or lose. This will get a more accurate ranking.

Well that was longer than I had anticipated.

tl;dr: 1. Allow people to stay on one Casual server for more than one round; bring back some of the functionality of Pubs. 2. Give vanilla servers more visibility by fixing the Server Browser. 3. Reset Comp ranks and hold placement matches.

Sorry for the long post, I'm really passionate about this game and I don't want to see it die a slow death because of a few mistakes Valve made.

Author: cippalippa4
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