
TF2 Admin
Time Zone:
Monday - Sunday: Morning: 10:00 AM - 12 PM CDT -5 Afternoon & Evening: 5:00 PM - 8:30 PM CDT -5
Link to your Stats Page:
Playing Time:
1125 Hours/AFK 11 Hours
Will you get mad if you lose admin?:
I won't be mad if I lose my admin.
How do you ban yourself using your own SteamID?:
sm_ban "#[U:1:102587414]" 30 "Obvious Aimbot"
Any other reason you should be admin:
My name is Luigi123, I have a steam level of 11. I am a fellow member of Skial. I joined Skial on Jun 11, 2014. When I first came on Turbine Skial server, I happen to enjoy and also wanting to play it over and over. Turbine US 2 was the server I liked to play. Sometimes I do play on Turbine EU for in the morning and probably afternoon. Don't worry, I'll still play on both servers everyday. Unless I have school and I can't play on the Turbine Europe.

The reason I'm applying for Admin is I have a good amount of time on Skial I'm always active everyday. I've made a lot of player reports on the forum almost everyday and I am well known with some of the players on TURBINE US 2 and try to be as friendly as possible. I don't rage, since raging is unprofessional and is just silly. When I get killed in a game I just accept it, I don't get angry at all. I contribute to Skial a fair amount, I enjoy playing on two servers and so I love helping out. I believe I should be an Admin because of my active play time on Skial, my knowledge of the rules, the ability to make good judgements and because I am friendly and welcoming yet can still be formal. Please don't worry about my sessions, I'm working on it cause I just came back from my busy important school stuff.

If someone has a problem with a ban or a mute or silence, I can work it out politely and formally and I will ask to talk to them, so I can explain it to them if they want and perhaps sort it out.

Thank you for your time reading this and have a nice day.​
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Reactions: BlackTemp1


Server-Clearing Cynic
Decent-ish quantity app.
1 previous 30 minute vote-ban from 2014, no problem.
Your chat record feels like you're maybe trying to look good, knowing we'd check it. Either way, no issues, clean chat.
I've seen you around on the forums and considering our only requirement is the forums, that goes a long way in my opinion.

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Reactions: Luigi123


TF2 Admin
Decent-ish quantity app.
1 previous 30 minute vote-ban from 2014, no problem.
Your chat record feels like you're maybe trying to look good, knowing we'd check it. Either way, no issues, clean chat.
I've seen you around on the forums and considering our only requirement is the forums, that goes a long way in my opinion.


Thank you for your feedback Xantam. :)


TF2 Admin
+1, seen Luigi on Turbine+EU many times. Never any issues.

Oh hey, thanks for visiting me to that server and for your feedback. :) I’d probably didn’t recognize you when you join the server lol. Anyway I’ll see you on that server!
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