
Uncharitable Spy
Servers Zombie Escape US

Time Zone PST

Link to your stats page

Playing time on Skial servers. Not TF2 total. 100 hours minimum. 448:19:22 (26:26:29 AFK)

Will you get mad if you lose admin? No, even if "no reason" but I'll be confused

How do you ban yourself for "obvious aimbot" using your own SteamID?

Please read the guide here
sm_ban "[U:1:74932253]" 0 "obvious aimbot" /// sm_ban "GBGaming PC" 0 "obvious aimbot" /// sm_ban "#6596" 0 "cringe aimbot"

Anything else you feel like saying
Last time, I did try to apply but it was delayed and I stopped playing on the server for months. HOWEVER, I DO talk a lot in voice chat. I lead players, I somewhat do reports, not the best, especially getting the evidence with my potato PC and internet connection.

Nevertheless, I stream on KICK now, rather than on twitch. Although I do get busy in the background, I will most certainly be AFK, helping something out in the background or have me taking out the trash, etc.

One more thing, yes I still spam a lot of lenny face. Will do and most likely, but I will still talk in game rather than typing in chat. I would like to give it a go one more time, whether it is accepted or rejected, but lizzie will surely and hopefully will be admin so I can at least show him the proof of the video/stream. Whenever I'm online I suppose.

Another thing, sorry, I do get mad whenever players talk over me whenever I lead. Yes, there are many witnesses to that testimony. Surely.

Thank you for reading and taking up your time. As always, stay safe and stay hydrated.
  • Troll
Reactions: Seminal Inhalation


TF2 Admin
Wow, quite a few glaring red flags here. A lot of it has been mentioned in previous comments however some was missed.
Another thing, sorry, I do get mad whenever players talk over me whenever I lead. Yes, there are many witnesses to that testimony. Surely.
Admins are meant to be mature and understanding of the player base they are looking over. Getting mad at users for quite literally speaking over you (nothing rule breaking as what you are talking about does not seem to be related to spam at all) does not break any rules, but is very immature from a person let alone someone applying for admin.


Wicked Nasty Engineer
Imo, I get that you can create your creative content to your heart's desire because that's who you are. I give you creds for being honest about your app, however YOU know how important the role of admin is here. I have reservations after viewing your lenny content and you reacted accordingly

Therefore I question your admissibility as per your app.
