
Mildly Menacing Medic
Servers Saxton Hale

Time Zone -7 GMT

Link to your stats page

Playing time on Skial servers. Not TF2 total. 100 hours minimum. 118 hours (8 are AFK)

Will you get mad if you lose admin? No, sometimes people need to be tested to see their reaction and sometimes people just aren't fit to Moderate.

How do you ban yourself for "obvious aimbot" using your own SteamID?

Please read the guide here
sm_ban GodlyPOG 0 Obvious aimbot

Anything else you feel like saying
My steam ID is a custom URL which is why it's a name instead of the usual 17 digit number.
Although I have only 118 hours on saxton hale, the majority of my 3000 hours played are just from playing saxton hale it's all I really play, I've just played on a decent amount of other servers, but my first time playing on this server dates back to over 5 years ago.
I do have Admin experience from what used to be one of the most popular Minecraft servers (GotPvP) that would accrue around 20,000+ players on the weekends. I'm applying to become an Admin because the majority of the time I'm on I don't notice an Admin and as I'm sure if you play saxton hale it's pretty frequent for a hale or player to stall or just general toxic behavior. My chat isn't the most active because I speak a lot in the voice chat so most of what I say in chat are just keybinds.
Now with that being said, I always appreciate constructive criticism to help me if my application is rejected this time around.

Feral Angel

I'm applying to become an Admin because the majority of the time I'm on I don't notice an Admin and as I'm sure if you play saxton hale it's pretty frequent for a hale or player to stall or just general toxic behavior
I would like to say that if there’s any toxic behavior that has to do with racism/sexism/discrimination, you can report them Here and a admin would handle it.

I mostly play VSH, haven’t been on frequently because I’m taking a mini break from time to time. I’d like to meet you ingame at some point though! For now it’s a +/-0.
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