
Team Fortress 2 Admin Abuse.
(Note this story takes place in a Skial Server. I failed to see it in the beginning, so what happens next is not a big surprise to me.)

It was another day of browsing the community servers. As the Meet Your Match update has just came out, I have to use community servers to escape Competitive. I found a TueFort server and hopped on. I was in for a surprise.

I saw that an admin had enabled GodMode for himself and I responded with saying "I find it sad that you enable godmode to kill." The admin responded (Note everything he says is in this exact horrible grammar.) "i find it sad that you care" After a few more insults he said "ill make him rage quit" I mocked his grammar saying "He'll give me an illness so I'll rage quit."

What happened next, you may ask? He called a vote to "Enable Friendly Fire" The vote passed and he teleported me to spawn, and insta-killed me with a VALVe Quality Rocket Launcher. I rightfully called him a pussy, as well as standing my ground and not rage quitting. A few insult matches later, he banned me for 1 hour with the text saying. "calm your biber"

I also saved the best part for last. He was the owner of the server. Insta-Blacklist. Server IP


Author: VeryRussianBear


Gaben's Own Aimbot
"I also saved the best part for last. He was the owner of the server"
@Bottiger what the fuck are you doing you absolute madman