
Gaben's Own Aimbot
Orange can have some very quick rounds sometimes due to the grapplehook making point capping very easy. Pre-grapple hook the points were a lot harder to cap. Since significant chunks of players leave when the round ends, and since the rounds are now a lot quicker with the grapple hook Orange seems to be losing a lot of players.

I think the grapplehook should stay, it makes the map a lot more fun. But something should be done about the points.

To help retain more players I'm suggesting one of the following:
- Significantly increase time it takes to capture the points, especially the very last points near spawn (currently the last point can be capped extremely quickly)


- Make the final capture points near each spawn uncappable, but preferrably also add a incentive to still cap the points. Adding a temporary immunity to crits to the team that capped a point is one idea that comes to mind
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