Dave the Manly

Australian Skial God
You'll want to open that drop-down menu labeled "View" and go to your settings. Go to the "Interface" tab and change your language there.


Australian Skial God
thanks, but the thing is, im talking about the browser. Not steam itself, steam is fine.
If I do that will it affect my browser ?

And, in steam it IS set to "english"

And by the way, how did you get your steam like that? with the URL and how it looks so much better?

Dave the Manly

Australian Skial God
If you're talking about your browser, scroll over the name of your account and the third option down should be your language picker. I'd take another screenshot, but fuck it. You know what I'm saying.
Confirmed that Steam client language changes don't affect Steam in-browser. Changed the client to Japanese to test it, nothing changed on Mozilla.
Proceeded to change it back, changed my language on Mozilla to Japanese, Steam was unaffected. There's your solution.


Australian Skial God
it worked! thanks man, I must have accidentally click it somehow lol.


The egnrish is pretty funny , when it says "Help us translate steam" in thai it says "Lets steam it up!"