Mildly Menacing Medic
  • Welcome!
  • What are trading bots?
  • How do they works?
  • Requirements?
  • What type of bots I can make?
  • Steps for buying a Custom Bot?
  • Prices?
  • Terms and Conditions.
  • Contact me.
  • Want to try do it yourself?

Hi there everyone. My name is Tomas from Argentina and I am a beginner developer on C#. I am 22 years old passionate for coding. I am here to help community to get your owns Steam Trading Bots.

What are trading bots?

If you are a TF2 trader, you must've seen a lot of key trading bots over at Outpost. If you're a CS:GO trader or better, you must be familiar with the bots CSGOLounge uses to accept your bets. They all, come under the category of trading bots. Basically they're a piece of code which handle trading for you.

How do they works?

Their working is pretty simple actually. But before I explain that, I have to give a shout out to Jessecar96 (Owner - Scrap.TF) who made this possible by releasing the SteamBot code base. It is available on Github if you want to check it out. (Want to try it yourself?)
Today, there is two option to trade with someone on Steam: Steam Trade Session and Steam Trade Offer. A bot made to work with trade sessions detects item's user added/removed. If logic is true will accept trade and confirm it. A trade offer bot will receive an offer, identify itemsToGive and itemsToReceive and do logic. So, bot will do trades automatically. You just need make people know it to make profit.


- Steam Main Account
- Steam Bot Account availible for trade.
- Visual Studio 2015
- Own Pc that you will use as host

What type of bots I can make?

Team Fortress 2

- | Classic |ToD-Key-Scrapbanking Bot: Works with trade sessions.(Example: If user add certain amount of metal, bot add a Key/ToD/Any Item.
- | Custom | Something like a Market. +10 Items with prices for buy/sell. This Bot works better with trade offer. I can make with trade sessions but It will need set up a mode before trade.


- | Classic | Profit bot. If the price of your user's item are higher than the bots items it will accept. Pricelist from a file that provides me
- | Custom | Market. +10 Items with prices for buy/sell in keys or Skins.

Exchange Bot
- | Custom |TF2 Items ⇄ CSGO Items.
If you have an idea or you want a custom bot with specific features, just ask me.

Steps for buying a Trading Bot?

1- Leave a comment on my profile
2- Add me
3- Wait my response
4- You give me details of the bot you want and all the features you want
5- I will quote you a price
6- You will pay %50 before receive the bot and %50 after test the bot.


Classic TF2 Bot: 15 USD Paypal 7 Keys in game
Custom TF2 Bot: 20 - 30 USD Paypal 12 - 15 Keys in game
Classic CSGO Bot: 35 USD Paypal 40 Usd in game
Custom CSGO Bot: 25 USD Pay pal 30 Usd In game

Terms and Conditions.

• No Refunds. Once you test bot and a week have passed with no problems.
• I am not responsible for any misuse altering code.
• You will not re-sell it claiming it is your own.

Contact me.

Steam Profile

Want to try do it yourself?
Repostorie of a Steam Bot on C#