
Scarcely Lethal Noob
Link to your Steam profile:
Your 64 bit SteamID:
Link proof of your playing time (30 hours on our servers required):
When are you active? What timezone?:
Im on Pacific Standard Time and i will be active mostly on weekends and on weekdays i will be on at somewhere between 5-12
How do you tell if someone is aimbotting?:
I would usually ask for proof first then i would just watch him and if he is jumping and looking around a lot to get a line of sight over hills and also if its being reported by multiple people.
When is it ok to use god mode?:
I don't really know the admin rules for this server but i would guess when dealing with a serious situation like a hacker etc. But if i do get excepted then i will just learn the way you guys deal with things.
When is it ok to give items?:
I personally wouldn't but if the game lagged or glitched i would think it is okay to return lost valuables.
Will you get mad if you lose admin for "no reason"?:
I wouldn't get mad because i would still get to play on the server which is still pretty fun.
Anything else you want to say:
I also want to say that I've had my own rust server but i had to shut it down because i couldn't afford it and that I have managed a discord server with about 425 people so I've had to deal with my fair share of hackers, slurs, etc. If i do get accepted I think i would be a great addition to the admin team. I've been playing rust for a while now so I know that there can be a lot of toxic people on here and after a while I've learned how to deal with people like that. And if i do get accepted i think i would bring a lot of good suggestions. Either way thank you for the opportunity and if you have any questions for me my discord is AdrianWasTaken#0069.​