Ogre Sosa

Unremarkable User
Servers rust1.skial.com - Vanilla. Thursday map wipes.

Time Zone EST

Your Steam Community ID

How do you tell if someone is aimbotting? A way to detect whether someone is using an aimbot, is to keep track of the change in viewing direction of the players Using an aimbot will result in very strange behaviour which could not even be possible using a mouse or a controller. Think something like, changing 180 degrees in an instant or unnatural steady aim.

When is it ok to use god mode? I think a appropriate time to use god mode, for example when your trying to talk to someone in a staff sit and they keep trying to fire at you. or just in general while staffing but only if you are not visible to the players

When is it ok to give items? when i used to staff on unturned i would not give items to players unless they had video evidence that they lost it unfairly lets say you drop something and it fell through the floor and you had it on video then i would go ahead and refund that but if they didnt have evidence i would apologize for not being able to assist them

Will you get mad if you lose admin for "no reason"? i wouldnt be mad but i would most definitely be a little upset but things happen and ill probably be understanding

Anything else you feel like saying
i would like to let the staff member that is responsible for the applications that im very dedicated to staffing and take it serious like its a real job and i wanna say thank you for taking your time to read my application
