
Unremarkable User
Link to your Steam profile:
Your 64 bit SteamID:
Link proof of your playing time (30 hours on our servers required):
When are you active? What timezone?:
8 a.m. - 1 a.m. CTS
How do you tell if someone is aimbotting?:
A way to detect whether someone is using an aimbot, is to keep track of the change in viewing direction of the players. Using an aimbot will result in very strange behaviour which could not even be possible using a mouse or a controller. Think something like, changing 180 degrees in an instant or unnatural steady aim.
When is it ok to use god mode?:
Only when conducting an investigation or interview with a suspected player.
When is it ok to give items?:
Never. It's a game that wipes regularly. Loss is expected.
Will you get mad if you lose admin for "no reason"?:
If you lose admin it's certainly because you've broken the rules by some margin. No reason to get frustrated over such a petty thing.
Anything else you want to say:
As a 41 year old father of 3 boys, I only want to maintain a great experience for the youth gaming today. If i can make someone's day by ridding the players plaguing a server with malicious intent, it will be a day worth putting effort into.​
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