
Unremarkable User
Servers Vanilla community rust

Time Zone EST

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How do you tell if someone is aimbotting? It should be easy to tell when combining factors such as the lack of game hours and very consistent/inhuman accuracy on all guns, along with low hours on the server and multiple player reports by people not on the same team

When is it ok to use god mode? Only when not playing the server casually and never for competitive gain or gain for friends/teammates

When is it ok to give items? Almost never except in cases where there is full and unquestionable proof that the items taken were due to hacking or admin abuse, then some may be given back. Never without proper evidence though

Will you get mad if you lose admin for "no reason"? No, though a reason would be nice to know I have no problems with losing admin as I’m sure there is always reason behind it.

Anything else you feel like saying
Nope :) thank you!