
Unremarkable User
Servers Vanilla

Time Zone MST

Your Steam Community ID

How do you tell if someone is aimbotting? Tracking complex movements, hitting every shot, wounding players multiple times or killing players multiple times in the same spray.

When is it ok to use god mode? In order to catch a cheater or prove their guiltiness. Ex. string of headshots or something similar

When is it ok to give items? It is only okay to give items in the event of a cheating player or group being banned.

Will you get mad if you lose admin for "no reason"? No, while I may question the reason for my removal I will simply move on.

Anything else you feel like saying
I play this server consistently and I have hundreds of hours on it. I have seen what bad admins can do to a server and I have had trouble getting cheaters banned on here in the past. I believe that I can help this server crackdown on cheaters and maintain a fun and competitive environment for all.