
Scarcely Lethal Noob
Servers vanilla

Time Zone PST

Your Steam Community ID

How do you tell if someone is aimbotting? Jittery aim, locking on head and hand shots, very aggressive play style.

When is it ok to use god mode? Only when confronting a cheater, Or baiting a cheater.

When is it ok to give items? I don't see any situation where giving items is ok, unless it's necessary for some reasonable reason such as if a player lost an item and has video proof of having and loosing this item due to a game bug but even then I don't see it being very necessary, in that situation I may ask for a second opinion

Will you get mad if you lose admin for "no reason"? No

Anything else you feel like saying
I love to keep the game fair and competitive. I also want to keep cheaters out of the server, There is never an excuse to cheat ever. I feel that the server should be fair for all players. I've noticed that players will f7 report other players if they get the better hand. I will make sure to thoroughly investigate to find out if someone is cheating or not. I am also very dedicated to keeping the game fair and enjoyable for others, I also have some experience with admin work.
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Scarcely Lethal Noob
I would just like to add that I'm able to be on at any time I'm mostly on during the night and I have pretty open days as well, I could basically be on 24/7 if I needed to be
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Scarcely Lethal Noob
I don't mean to bother but any update on my app, Like weather or not I've been approved or not. I am very dedicated to being apart of your admin team so if there are any questions I am here to answer them