Unremarkable User
Servers skial vanilla

Time Zone PST

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How do you tell if someone is aimbotting? When someone's using aimbot there aim will be very jittery and only hitting a certain part of the body. Such as the head or chest area

When is it ok to use god mode? When u are searching for cheats/When u are investigating them. Or when u are despawning a cheaters base and items

When is it ok to give items? its okay to give the admin items when your suspecting someone of cheating so u can check if there walling or using aimbot

Will you get mad if you lose admin for "no reason"? I wouldn't get mad i would just be curios as to why i lost the admin

Anything else you feel like saying
I am in the PST region but i sleep a lot in the day and mostly play at night from like 11pm to about 3 to 4am depending on how much i slept the night before


Unremarkable User
Servers Vanilla US

Time Zone PST

Your Steam Community ID

How do you tell if someone is aimbotting? Very Jittery, not natural aiming. Combat log can tell you more such as where there hitting the player. consistent headshots or consistent shots in one part of the body

When is it ok to use god mode? When checking if someone is cheating. When you destroy a cheater base

When is it ok to give items? its okay to use the admin console to give yourself items when checking if someone is cheating or suspected of cheating. There should be no reason to give other player items. Anything and admin spawns in should be despawned after they are done checking if the player was cheating.

Will you get mad if you lose admin for "no reason"? No

Anything else you feel like saying
I noticed the server needs admin at night time and i play a lot more at night from around 10pm PST to about 4am PST. I love playing games and I've been playing sense I was a young child so I have a competitive play style so I don't like when people cheat it takes the fun out of every game.
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