
Scarcely Lethal Noob
Link to your Steam profile:
Your 64 bit SteamID:
Link proof of your playing time:
When are you active? What timezone?:
5pm-11pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
How do you tell if someone is aimbotting?:
Sometimes you cant! But if they are moving unnaturally like rotating 180 degrees quickly or having oddly steady aim. Evidence of constant headshots in combat log.
When is it ok to use god mode?:
I would say only when teleporting to investigate or help a player .
When is it ok to give items?:
It is not fair to give items. Only ff there is a glitch in the game and items are lost due to this.
Will you get mad if you lose admin for "no reason"?:
Anything else you want to say:
I have really enjoyed playing on the server but can see that there have been issues with connectivity for certain geos and would like to support the community with this.​