
Unremarkable User
Servers 2FORT+ EU

Time Zone GMT

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How do you tell if someone is aimbotting? Look for any unusual behaviour, spectating them can be a easy way to find this, if their cursor locks onto a enemy, in a "snap motion" that could be a sign of aim-botting.

When is it ok to use god mode? If a Hacker is on a server, by killing them over and over again will soon make them tired of dying over and over again so they will get fed up and leave

When is it ok to give items? If someone has been hacked, if they lost their items then giving them the "starter" of items will help them get back on their feet again.

Will you get mad if you lose admin for "no reason"? No, if i lose it for no reason, then that's perfectly fine

Anything else you feel like saying
I mostly Play on the 2fort+ EU server as shown, i'm a friendly player who just wants to have fun talking to other players, 2fort the server i play the most, but i have branched out other servers as well.

Kind regards