Unremarkable User
Servers skial.com wiped 10/15 5x Kit

Screenshot of you connecting to the server 1 month ago or longer with the wipe date in the chat log. When you connect to our server, it will print the date of the next wipe in chat. https://ibb.co/7KqJcdY

Time Zone EST

Your Steam Community ID

How do you tell if someone is aimbotting? watching the player that is suspicious.If they have flicks or lock on you can usually tell

When is it ok to use god mode? When you know there is a cheater and your worried about losing all your items and the cheater is targeting you

When is it ok to give items? when never because it would be unfair

Will you get mad if you lose admin for "no reason"? no

Anything else you feel like saying Nope
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