
Unremarkable User
Link to your Steam profile:
Your 64 bit SteamID:
Link proof of your playing time (30 hours on our servers required):
When are you active? What timezone?:
Eastern anytime of the day
How do you tell if someone is aimbotting?:
Check hit reg and if the person only hits headshots or has it set to other parts of the body.
When is it ok to use god mode?:
Spectating players, or if you're not playing and you just on the server waiting for reports to happen.
When is it ok to give items?:
Never unless there is a game breaking bug that deletes items and they have proof of it.
Will you get mad if you lose admin for "no reason"?:
No I wont get mad if I lose admin for "No Reason" cause that just means it will give me more opportunities late down the line.
Anything else you want to say:


Australian Skial God
Yeah that's a phat load of -1

You also named yourself "Trade / Banned" presumably to mock yourself being trade banned at one point. Not sure what the fuck you're thinking applying for admin.