
Uncharitable Spy
Summary Votemute seems to not work anymore on Skial Trade

Detailed Explanation
Yesterday, a guy said a forbidden word in vc, so I threw a votemute. But then I personally couldn't do F1 (I didn't try F2).

It may be a problem on my side, but as nobody voted, after a very clear loudly said racist word ; I think the voting menu may be broken.

The votemenu is a very important mechanic for the life of server, imo. This isn't a big deal for players like me, who use the client's mute system a lot (I have no responsibility for the server's atmosphere, after all); but new players arriving on the server and being greeted by noisy voice spam can be a problem in the long run, as it can lead to a decrease in new player entry, and thus to the death of the server.


Never had this issue myself but often when I initiate a vote it just says %voteissue%. People seem to actively vote on it but I don't know if they see the contents or not


Uncharitable Spy
the %voteissue% is not the issue I'm talking about ; it is a known tf2 bug that also exists in casual.

The issue I talk about is very recent, i think i remember being able to vote some weeks ago.

EDIT : yes the %voteissue% bug is client side ; it only happen for the first vote you see after your HUD has been initialized iirc. So the other players may be able to see the vote being issued while you are not.


You're going to have to offer more proof that it is broken. Sometimes people just don't feel like voting, doesn't mean it is broken.
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