
Scarcely Lethal Noob


TF2 Admin
File a report here:
Based on those images, don't see anything really racist, he called you his brown friend once, and morenito means brunette or something.

However in his chat log, he states things which I consider racist, especially when talking about Mexicans, specific skin color, and whether they're part of the Immigrant Caravan that has been extensively covered recently in the news cycle regarding President Trump and the legality of immigrants seeking asylum. Given the context of the contention regarding the current events surrounding the Caravan, and the historical context of Mexicans entering the US illegally to work, this I consider racism to target Hispanic individuals.[U:1:55980347]&Submit=

que no te de vergüenza
uff te sentiste identificado
sos parte de la caravana?
a cruzar la frontera
por lo menos lo admitis ahora
no te ofendas
es tu color de piel
sos mexicano
asi que si

Which translate to:
do not be ashamed
uff you felt identified
Are you part of the caravan? to cross the border
at least you admit it now
no offense
it's your skin color
you are Mexican so yes

Thanks for the report.
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Scarcely Lethal Noob
brah if he was not rasist i would not have reported it. I think the things that he wrote in spanish are not well understood for people who speak english.

for me that is reason enough for the report to proceed. besides that I emphasize, its not the first time that this user makes comments of this type or worse, only that its the first time that i takes ss .. but it is well, I take more forceful evidences since this is not enough for something to happend.. thx for u time


Legendary Skial King
We allow all players in our servers, regardless of what they language they speak. Just because they speak a different language than you does not mean you should fear them and erroneously report them. Unless you have additional proof of racism to provide, Aray’s judgment stands.
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Scarcely Lethal Noob
I was referring to him and I speak spanish. and english speakers do not fully understand the meaning of the insults. good until it happens again, now I have no more ss