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Kenpachi Ramasama

Scarcely Lethal Noob
Is there a difference between a Quickplay and Non-Quickplay server? I heard it in conversation today, but I don't know the difference between the two.


Gaben's Own Aimbot
Servers in quickplay have limited mods on them, if any at all. Reason why is, to have a server in quickplay, it needs to meet Valve's requirements.

The requirements are along the lines of having to be a 24 slot server, can't do server given items like modified weapons or server given hats, no game changing mods like roll the dice, no custom game modes, no custom maps, so on so forth.

Non-quickplay servers don't have to follow those requirements so they can be modded in any way the server owner wants. They can run custom maps, higher player counts, custom game modes and mods and so on.
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Kenpachi Ramasama

Scarcely Lethal Noob
I see. I get it now; another thing. How could I tell which skial servers are quick play or not? I have most of the servers favorited, but I can't tell which is which. Would it just load up custom maps?


Gaben's Own Aimbot
I see. I get it now; another thing. How could I tell which skial servers are quick play or not? I have most of the servers favorited, but I can't tell which is which. Would it just load up custom maps?

All of the 24 slot servers without a + symbol or the word "fast" in the name are in quickplay if I'm not mistaken.

The ones that aren't in quick play (minus death run, saxton hale, trade and idle) are all the same as the other servers, they just have faster respawn times and / or they can hold up to 32 players.

If you don't mind me asking out of curiosity, why are you wondering which ones are and aren't in quickplay?

Kenpachi Ramasama

Scarcely Lethal Noob
I overheard a conversation about how Valve was dumb for removing the /hat option on Quickplay servers or something. I reguarly play Skial, and I never really noticed the difference between the two (probably mainly because I usually stick to one or two servers) so when I tried the command myself, I got the message about how it wasn't on Quickplay, and that made me wonder which servers weren't Quickplay.

But I learned something today, so that's really cool; although I'll probably just stick to Dustbowl Skial servers: quick, fast, and has some pretty chill players, I'd say. Maybe one day I'll migrate over to other Skial servers. 8D.