
Scarcely Lethal Noob

I play a lot on the Dustbowl fast server. This one:

I have about 3000 australium points, had over 5000 once for populating servers.

Anyway i had two questions.

1.The respawn system, why does it have a respawn time of 40 seconds but it spawns you after 20 seconds (did i notice that correctly?) and sometimes you get instantspawned. How does this work and what's the benefit of it? I know the TF2 spawning system spawns players in waves, does the Skial system use anything of the default system or this 100% custom. Is the increased time to classify the server for quickplay traffic?
2.Lately when i connect it minimizes the game and i see a DOS box open and close on my desktop. This is quite alarming, does this have to do anything with the Pinion MOTD?
3.You're Skialbalance plugin should really take into account when people are dueling. Not much fun when you are dueling someone and you simply get switched to another team and the dueling minigame is ruined...


Australian Skial God
I can answer 1. Skial servers with the the fast tag on them have instant respawn and are made to be faster paced since more players visit them when they have fast respawn.


  1. Because of Valve defaulting quickplay to official servers, most of the people looking for community servers are looking for modified respawn times. We try to set them as fast as possible while still maintaining a 50% win rate for both teams. Unfortunately we cannot control respawn waves for each individual team, we can only set them for both teams. And for attack/defend maps, the defenders have a huge advantage and need a longer respawn time. The wave respawn system just doesn't work properly when you are respawning the attacking team instantly.
  2. If this was something to do with ads we would have seen a lot more people complaining. Last time someone's anti-virus simply detected a domain reported for serving java malware even though the browser can't run it, there was a reddit post with over 1000 votes telling everyone to boycott us.
  3. I will add that, but you are the first person to complain about it since we switched almost half a year ago, which tells you how many people actually bother with duels.


Gaben's Own Aimbot
3. Seems like a good way to prevent yourself from getting balanced. Dueling minigames are cheap. Wouldn't decreasing the pool of eligible players increase the number of times other people get swapped?


Scarcely Lethal Noob
1.So you made it that players have a respawn time of 20 seconds (is this fixed a fixed time?) or is it still random? I don't really see how it's different from the stock system.
2.All i know is that it wasn't happening before and last time it kept happening everytime i connected. I also saw that old reddit thread when i googled it.
3.Well if you want to prevent yourself from getting balanced that way then you'd need a dueling minigame for every 5 matches and i don't think people would abuse that if you don't tell them about it. Most people who are regulars don't even understand the !ap system.