
Namely, this one.


Uncle zägä

Positively Inhumane Poster
I'm going to need one for that emotion when you've spent lots of effort on writing some quality stream-of-consciousness and everyone ignores it, but when you make a post with some predictable Earth comedy, only then does the crowd go wild.


Gaben's Own Aimbot
I'm going to need one for that emotion when you've spent lots of effort on writing some quality stream-of-consciousness and everyone ignores it, but when you make a post with some predictable Earth comedy, only then does the crowd go wild.

Shiny objects for simple people?

Uncle zägä

Positively Inhumane Poster
There's definitely a degree of surprise on his face, but what strikes me as more prominent is his inner torment. A fight between denial and acceptance is taking place deep within his soul. It is the face of a man who has stumbled upon graphic depictions of bestiality and consequently started doubting his sexuality.

Carry on, stick man. Wherever you go, you bring us all hope in these difficult times.
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