
Mildly Menacing Medic
Hi, so currently I'm looking to get into a 6s team, I have no 6s history. So I'm pretty new to the format
Comp History:
TF2 Highlander Iron: .981 Gravity Gang Main Engineer(Closed)
TF2 4v4 Steel: SCUD Special Convoy of Universal Derailers Pyro and Scout(Still playing)
TF2 Highlander Iron: TTC The Turbine Turtle Club Main Engineer and Backup Scout Leader(Still playing)

I play Scout 240 Hours, Roamer Solly 194 Hours, Demo(knight) prolly wont matter because I cant use tide turner.(yet :3), I main pyro 286.5 Hours, I can also play Sniper sometimes if I'm feeling it. Anyways add me if you want to try me out or something like that.
