
Somewhat Threatening Sniper
Alright, look. I know I don't have the best reputation among the Skial community, however, somebody has to say something and since nobody else is doing it, I'm gonna do it.

Skial's balancing is completely retarded at the moment.

Now, you might be saying: "sKeP iT's NoT bAd BeCaUsE yOu DoN't LiKe It!!!" which is fair enough, again however, me and some friends have noticed a couple questionable balancing choices. I'm gonna list a couple of them, for your interest these aren't all, just a some examples:

[1]. The Mista- I mean Force-A-Nature:
-Again you might be saying "SKEP YOU ODNT LIKE FAN THATS WHY U MAKE THIS!!!!!!", which again fair enough, I utterly despise that weapon, once again HOWEVER, when people can just shoot you and manage to get away from you, its kind of unfair right?
-The Loose Cannon (which personally I considered to be Demo's WORST primary got removed because it was "annoying", well I just described the problem with the Force-A-Nature, it is just as, if not more annoying.

-You know, when people play games, things as mistakes or team kills are only natural, we are only human right? It's just a mistake right? right? PERSONALLY I can't find something more irritating then just me casually running away from the hale, and then seeing him MAGICALLY flying towards me at mach 20. As I am doing a lot of confused screaming I manage to look behind the giant australian behemoth in front of me and I see a little asshole with the Mistake-A-Nature in hand, which lead to me and A LOT of people's deaths.

[2]. The Killing Gloves of Boxing:

- Yeah, you might call me biased, but this weapon is literally useless unless you have like 2 medics pocketing you 24/7, the old KGB at least had a playstyle, a very annoying one at that but still a playstyle, now if you don't get pocketed 24/7 you might as well just spy crab around the map.

[3]. PYRO:
- You literally cannot call me biased on this one, the only pyros that I respect are Phlog-Axtinguisher Pyros and even them barely. Pyros are honestly designed to team kill. There are VERY and I mean VERY specific scenarios where pyros are useful, it's when they block the hale from reaching a medic for example with the phlog.

- At the moment any skilled player knows to just leave pyros alive as they just provide free rage whenever you need it.

[4]. The Loose Cannon:

- The FAN gets to stay but this doesn't? I sense some favoritism here.

[5]. The way you play hale:

- So at the moment skilled players on hale are getting punished because of super jump health on jump. Fair right? It encourages you to not do the "Hit-and-Run" playstyle. So why am I mentioning it here? Well skill doesn't matter on hale. You can literally just hold down W+Mouse1 and hold down E, or if the IKEA shelf that plays like that has 2 more braincells they keep their rage so they can rage any person that shows any amount of resistance to your BS playstyle.

- Again you can say "SKEP ALL THE HALES ARE BALANCED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" to which I honestly just laugh.
- The Easter Bunny Demoman:

- He's honestly utterly busted, he does NOT deserve a nine iron nor does he deserve crits, so how about he gets his wrench back with NO crits. Seems balanced to me.


- If you play vagineer i want you to know you are an insignificant piece of shi- Oops, got off track, where was I? Oh yeah Retardineer. So you know how i mentioned that you just hold down E and W+M1, yeah this is what i was talking about, this bullshit should not be able to be done. When Vagie had just his uber no haste no speed it was perfect, he was built to deal with engies (back when he had his extra damage against buildings that is) but now it isn't too common to see a vagineer that joined the server for the first time winning against competent people because hes playing this retarded hale. OH YEAH. While im talking about vagineer, lets talk about the BIGGEST problem with hale at the moment.

- Solorage (and the way it works):

-Solorage right now literally encourages you to just kill one unlucky mother fucker that happened to piss you off, for example:
LOOK A 4 HEAD DEMO WITH 8K DMG! Whenever your monkey brain tried to swing at him he just pipe jumped away, ah fuck it just solorage the moron.
Also into the way it works:

- Why the fuck does having a shield make your rage to be as long as a rage that has been put on multiple people?

- Personally (again) i suggest that SOMETHING should be done to solorage, if not to anything im mentioning here AT LEAST TO SOLORAGE.

Anyway, heres the end to my twitter cancellation / complaint / whatever the fuck you wanna call it.

What do I hope to achieve?

Nothing, just wanted to get this information out there knowing that... actually never mind. just wanted to bring attention to the issues of VSH right now.

Why me specifically?

I know I don't have a good reputation (*ahem* Zeo) however I played this gamemode since 2019, I've seen it go through shit like bunny crit eggs and through its peak (2019 honestly) when this gamemode was actually. DARE I SAY IT? Fun?.

(Also i wanted to add the amby in this list too but its mostly fine except how annoying it is to fight against multiple of them)



Scarcely Lethal Noob
I genuinely agree with everything that is said in here, everything from the bosses weapons and mechanics feel exteremly frustrating to fight agaisn't and i really hope the admins start balancing stuff out from what the community offers, because right now i don't want vsh to be a perfect game mode or anything. I just want my favorite custom game mode to be playable without it being again, exteremly frustrating to play.


VSH has never been in a more balanced state.

Much of what you've complained about just boils down to personal preference. I will try to address your points 1 by 1, but it is getting annoying to have to explain all this every few months to random people that all these points haven't been scrutinized in great detail for a long time already.

[1]. The Mista- I mean Force-A-Nature:
The reason why the loose cannon was banned was because you cannot remove or modify the knockback on it. It has an airblast added into it (but is not classified as an airblast by the game) so it never gives the boss knockback resistance.

Force-A-Nature does the same thing except you can remove the airblast. Either FAN was not abused as much as loose cannon so it was never removed or the people I relied on to do vsh2 weapon balancing made another mistake and removed the nerf from the weapon configs. I cannot check every single thing they did.

The Killing Gloves of Boxing
Heavy should not have an option to win melee battles with the boss. Everyone being able to tank boss melee hits is what causes people to lose on boss all the time, while the only way to win becomes super jump spam which is bad for the game mode.

Not every weapon needs to be useful. Making KGB useful causes balance issues. There doesn't need to be another demoknight class.

The way you play hale:
The bosses are all within 1-3% winrate of each other. They are balanced whether you believe it or not.

You complain about w+m1 bosses. But is a boss spamming super jump where you can't see or hit them half the time any more fun? I don't think so.

We had vagineer on uber and there were way more complaints about it than now. If we just switched it back, there will be more complaints.

Solorage (and the way it works):
Solo rage already makes the stun shorter. This is already a vast improvement over the stock vsh which does nothing different on a solo rage. That solo rage is also used so you can kill that 1 person in a spot you can't reach or permanently knocking you back and running faster than you.