The Guardian

Scarcely Lethal Noob
Hello,if you are seeing this you are interested in my offer (unless you are a bot)
The account is mine,I won't go first,we can do the trade through a middleman (verified pls)
The account has 77 champions,2 rune pages (AD and AP),GOLD III last season.
It has the following skins:
Prestigious LeBlanc

Bandito Fiddlesticks

Riot Kayle

Viridian Kayle


Zombie Ryze

Panda Teemo

Buccaneer Tristana

Riot Girl Tristana

Cowgirl Miss Fortune

Woad Ashe

Prehistoric Cho'Gath

Chrome Rammus

Masked Shaco

Sultan Gangplank

General Wukong

Aristrocrat Vayne

Piltover Customs Heimerdinger

Hazmat Heimerdinger

Sorceress Lux

Runeborn Xerath

Cottontail Fizz

Atlantean Fizz

Dark Valkyrie Diana

High Noon Yasuo


Victorious Maokai

The price of the knife can be around 40$,min:37$ max:80$
Have a nice day! :)