a crippled teddy bear

Scarcely Lethal Noob
Hello! Im trying to sell my League account for CS:GO skins/ Cashed skins (Read below)


Account Info - Level 30, Bronze 3, 21 LP, NA

Great for a smurf OR a new player who doesnt want to spend 3 months to get to level 30 to play ranked

Once you add me on steam we can talk about the price and exchange info. Keep in mind, if you want to pay with cash, you can buy the skins on OPSKINS.com and trade them to me with ease. (This is the catch)

Here is the list of the champions I own and what skins I have for them -

Ahri - (None)
Annie - (None)
Azir - (Galactic Azir)
Bard - (Snow Day Bard)
Blitzcrank - (None)
Brand - (None)
Braum - (None)
Caitlyn - (Lunar Wraith Caitlyn)
Cassiopeia - (None)
Cho'Gath - (Loch Ness Cho'Gath, BattleCast Prime Cho'Gath)
Corki - (None)
Darius - (Dunkmaster Darius)
Diana - (None)
Dr. Mundo - (None)
Draven - (Pool Party Draven, Primetime Draven)
Ekko - (Sandstorm Ekko)
Elise - (Blood Moon Elise)
Evelynn - (None)
Ezreal - (None)
Fiddlestick - (Suprise Party Fiddlesticks)
Fiora - (None)
Fizz - (Fisherman Fizz)
Garen - (None)
Gnar - (Snow Day Gnar)
Graves - (Pool Party Graves)
Hecarim - (Arcade Hecarim)
Heimerdinger - (none)
Illaoi - (None)
Irelia - (None)
Jarvan - (Warring Kingdoms Jarvan)
Jax - (None)
Jayce - (Forsaken Jayce)
Jhin - (High Noon Jhin)
Jinx - (Fire Cracker Jinx)
Kalista - (None)
Kassadin - (Cosmic Reaver Kassadin)
Katarina - (None)
Kha'zix - (None)
Kindred - (Shadowfire Kindred)
Kogmaw - (Battlecast Kogmaw)
Leblanc - (Mistletoe Leblanc)
Lee Sin - (Muay Thai Lee Sin)
Leona - (None)
Lucian - (Project-Lucian)
Lux - (None)
Malphite - (None)
Malzahar - (Snow Day Malzahar, Shadow Prince Malzahar)
Maokai - (None)
Master Yi - (Project Yi)
Miss Fortune - (Captain Miss Fortune, Arcade Miss Fortune)
Morgana - (None)
Nasus - (None)
Nidalee - (None)
Nocturne - (Eternum Nocturne)
Olaf - (None)
Orianna - (Snow Day Orianna)
Pantheon - (None)
Poppy - (None)
Quinn - (None)
Rammus - (None)
Rek'sai - (None)
Rengar - (Night Hunter Rengar)
Riven - (None)
Rumble - (Super Galaxy Rumble)
Ryze - (Ryze Whitebeard)
Sejuani - (Poro Rider Sejuani)
Shen - (TPA Shen)
Singed - (SSW Singed, Surfer Singed)
Sivir - (None)
Skarner - (BattleCast Alpha Skarner)
Soraka - (None)
Syndra - (Snow Day Syndra)
Tahm Kench - (None)
Talon - (None)
Teemo - (None)
Thresh - (SSW Thresh)
Tristana - (Dragon Trainer Tristana, Guerilla Tristana, Riot Girl Tristana)
Trundle - (None)
Tryndamere - (None)
Twitch - (None)
Udyr - (Spirit Guard Udyr)
Varus - (None)
Vayne - (SKT Vayne)
Veigar - (Final Boss Veigar)
Velkoz - (None)
Vi - (None)
Viktor - (Creator Viktor)
Vladimir - (None)
Volibear - (Thunderlord Volibear)
Warwick - (None)
Wukong - Radiant Wukong
Xerath - (None)
Xin Zhao - (None)
Yasuo - (Project Yasuo)
Yorick - (None)
Zac - (Pool Party Zac)
Zed - (Shockblade Zed)
Ziggs - (Pool Party Ziggs)

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to look at my thread! If you are interested you can contact me at - a crippled teddy bear - On steam

Thank you, Mitchell