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Gaben's Own Aimbot
Need assistance with keybinds for TF2.

I want to have the E key be for calling medic, and for the "last disguise" function. I also want "M" to call for medic.
I would like last disguise bound to B and E.

I see some people binding saying in teamchat for when they do some actions as medic. I.e. saying "UBER DEPLOYED" in team chat when you activate the Uber; "FAKE UBER" in team chat when you do a "Fully Charged" voice command.
How would I do that? Would that mean that I say "UBER DEPLOYED" every time I detonate a sticky when I play demo?


Positively Inhumane Poster
Use macros. Not sure what most people use for it (I would use a program that is tied to my gaming pad which I use for SWTOR), but usually you can get some programs to "link" multiple commands to a single keystroke. As for using e for different commands .... Probably not going to happen. You could add in a "(insert secondary key)+e" command, but for tf2 it would be much simpler to use another key bind.
EDIT: Also, you may want to make sure they are allowed in tf2, especially in competitive play. Many games ban the use of macros.


Spectacularly Lethal Soldier
This will give you a place to start, should answer most of your questions.


How would I do that? Would that mean that I say "UBER DEPLOYED" every time I detonate a sticky when I play demo?

Typically you would have a separate config file for each class, so your medic binds wouldn't be the same as your demo binds and avoid the issue you're talking about.


Legendary Skial King
i think...

uber call would be:
alias maskuber "voicemenu 0 0;say_team "*** UBER ready! ***""

fake charge would be:
alias fakeuber "voicemenu 1 7;say_team "***faked charge! ***""

this should pop uber when the key is pressed (drop whatever item you have and pop, that is.) and send out the teamchat/voicecommand:
alias +charge "slot2;+attack2;dropitem;say_team "*** CHARGE USED ***";voicemenu 0 0;autocall_initial"
alias -charge "-attack2"

I'd have someone look over these though, i'm tired and not the best at working out scripts. i'll test it when i'm home, if you'd like.

and to bind these you would use
bind [KEY] "maskuber"
bind [KEY] "fakeuber"
bind [KEY] "+charge"


Sufficiently Lethal Scout
In your autoexec, or whateve cfg you use for all your classes you'd wanna put this for the medic call/lastdisguise
bind "E" "voicemenu 0 0;lastdisguise"
bind "B" "lastdisguise"
bind "M" "voicemenu 0 0"
The scripts anya wrote up seem to be fine, to me at least.