Cream Tea

Epic Skial Regular
Legendary Mapper
I have a Windows 8.1 Laptop, which is pretty fast and new, should cope with windows 10 perfectly but one question I must ask.

Is it worth it?

I saw it on a friends computer and it looks pretty terrible, not sure if there're any settings for it but for a start the file explorer hasn't got the dark box outline like in windows 7, surprised they kept it in 8 but anyway it made it a lot easier so you could put your mouse on the dark outline and know you could simply drag. Now when I used his pc I got confused as to where I even put the mouse, and I'm supposed to be a computer expert.

Is windows even windows anymore?.. the OS which originally had windows to make operating easier. I think it should be renamed "Tiles" now considering that's what it looks like in Windows 8 and isn't even as easy to operate as it used to be. I don't know but all this "Free upgrade to windows 10 for 7 and 8 users" just makes me think they're trying to push out some more crap.

R.I.P Windows 98 my first operating system. You will be missed.

Cream Tea

Epic Skial Regular
Legendary Mapper
8.1 is atleast bearable, They removed the "forced other OS" away from startup, so I must say I can stand 8.1. But I don't get what all the fuss is about 10.


Somewhat Threatening Sniper
from my persective, that home screen with tiles is changed, and old start button form 7 is back, other than that, not much.

Cream Tea

Epic Skial Regular
Legendary Mapper
I like having the start button on windows 10, but I'm not sure if it outweighs the slightly confusing file explorer, not very useful for quickly changing windows all the time.


Epic Skial Regular
I really like it. I used to have windows 7 and it's an easy adjustment. It's just "cleaner". The icons are smooth and nice looking, it's fast, and I have not found any bugs. It's free as well.

It's way better than os 8, and it's got most of the features of windows 7, with a nice clean and updated look of windows 8. The windows control panel is pretty cool as well.

My only complaint is that the go to desk top button in the bottom right is kind of small, but I have my own reasons for that one :smirk:


Legendary Skial King
I had 8.1 and 10 is incredible. It's easy to adjust to and works like a hybrid between 7 and 8. My computer even boots up faster now after the switch. I had to run ccleaner though because it leaves behind a lot of shit.


Gaben's Own Aimbot
10 is pretty cool, but there are a few bugs that have been extremely annoying on my laptop.
First the wifi adapter has been a huge pain in the ass. At first, it would take a very long time just to refresh and see the available connections, then the wifi adapter would randomly disconnect and I'd have to re-open it through admin privileges.
There are still a bunch of other bugs like opening the Windows menu and having a blank screen, but most of those have been fixed by now.
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