
Server-Clearing Cynic
So. My girlfriend is an amazing troll. Fucks with people on livejournal and shit. she called out some pedo's on lolicon shit, and this is.... my god. MY GOD. (another tl;dr inbound)

She got this letter after spanking some nerds butt with logic:

"Hi there. I'm not all that sure who you are, but I'm sure you probably know who I am. I want to say first of all that I am NOT here to argue or defend the right or wrongness of lolicon or shoutacon, or make excuses for those who are part of the loli/shouta fandom/s. I am here only to inform you of the legal status in the United States.

A friend of mine was gravely concerned for me after seeing the recent drama, and sent me a link to a post you made in SF_Drama, asserting that lolicon is illegal in the USA under the PROTECT act, and referencing Dwight Whorley's case.

While lolicon can be prosecuted under obscenity laws, that does not apply to private home viewing/collecting. If I were reading lolicon on a crowded bus, I could be prosecuted under obscenity laws, but the same goes for if I were reading a Hustler on a crowded bus.

I'd like to inform you, in a friendly way, and with no wank or drama, that the PROTECT act was repealed in the USA in 2003, after Dwight Whorley was prosecuted. Lolicon drawings are protected as having artistic merit, which is why sites like not4chan, nikochan, 4chan's /b/ board, littleangelshentai, oreno.imouto, and even my own lolicomm are allowed to exist unabated so long as no admin is knowingly allowing minors to view the materials.

As you may be aware, dozens of sf_drama members have reported me repeatedly to LJ, and LJ has consistently responded that DRAWINGS are not legally child porn. Simple logic dictates that if lolicon does not even violate LJ's TOS, it is most certainly not illegal in the united states.

It IS protected by the first amendment and has been ruled to have artistic merit many times.

I'm sure you disagree with that sentiment, and that is your right. I am only reciting the legal facts, not stating any opinions of my own or others.

Lolicon can now be prosecuted under obscenity laws in some states, if one is viewing it publicly or providing it to minors; and DW was downloading and viewing both real child porn and lolicon in a public building.

Also, DW was a disgusting pedophile who had real child pornography, and he deserves every single year of his sentence and more. HE'S A DISGUSTING HUMAN BEING WHO GETS OFF TO REAL CHILDREN BEING RAPED, and he is NOT representative of the American lolicon fandom. We do NOT condone, promote, or trade REAL CHILD PORNOGRAPHY.

I abhor child pornography. If I were a pedophile, I would do the world a favor and kill myself.

I am not a pedophile, nor are many people who are "into" lolicon and/or shoutacon. I, like the majority of others I choose to interact with, do NOT identify with the adult in the cartoons, but rather, with the child. Many lolicon cartoons portray unrealistic scenarios in which the child has the upper hand over the adult, and it is that dynamic by which I find a way to reclaim the power I lost when I suffered CSA at the hands of my step father.

But I digress... For what its worth, after reluctantly viewing the post I must (again, reluctantly) agree with SF_Drama's assessment of the original poster, in that they were totally inappropriate by spamming their hardcore and pornographic shoutacon images to people who were obviously upset and triggered by it."

And... theres more, but i don't.... i don't even want to post the rest its so bad...


Wicked Nasty Engineer
dude, didnt you get shipped to arrakis?



Epic Skial Regular
dude, didnt you get shipped to arrakis?

Get out.

As for the "threat" letter, this is getting into a VERY large grey area over what is considered art or CP.
Many people were prosecuted for having "realistically drawn models" in their computers, while others have not.
Even the government doesn't know what to do when faced with this dilemma.


Rage-Inducing Forum Troll
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Notably Dangerous Demo-Knight
As a member of several sites where a large variety of "obscure" art is posted, I must say the status of Loli art in the United States is more complicated than you think. Now, I'm not a big loli guy myself, but there are somethings you should know.

You see in the United States, we have a thing called "The Miller Test." It is used to determine whether or not ANY work of art is "illegal."
  • Whether "the average person, applying contemporary community standards", would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest,
  • Whether the work depicts/describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by applicable state law,
  • Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.

If a work of art fits in too ALL 3 of these categories, than it is considered obscene and not protected under the First Amendment. The problem that comes in to play, is that the term "artistic" is so vague, that it really makes it hard to impose this sort of law on any drawing, loli or otherwise. Thats why mainstream sites like Hentai Foundry can get away with a having a "Loli" category in their search section.

I'm not quite sure how your girl friend "spanked" this person. I'm assuming that by "spanked" you mean she spammed them with stuff like "OMG Loli pedo! Go kill yourselve11lol1!" to the point where this person felt like replying with rational evidence. The fact of the matter is that Loli imagery is protected in The United States, and I highly doubt your girl friend "spanked" someone in regards to this, in fact my guts telling me her argument was pretty shitty, especially if it involved "The Protect Act."


Server-Clearing Cynic
ANYONE ELSE NOTICING THE FUCKING "users found this page by searching for:" SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK INTERNET



Epic Skial Regular
Now pedophiles will sign up on Skial looking for (read the very bottom of the page)