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Australian Skial God

In recent years, a lot of people have moved on Team Fortress 2, and many don't share much affliction for the game, much less play it. In TF2's realm, however, there still lies the bastion of Skial: a mighty bulwark in her community.

Skial is a place in which many of us have met, condoned business, engaged in exciting drama, and of course pushed the cart together. To help TF2 is to help Skial, in these times. Please, hark back at our history, and our over all community and her resilience ...

I implore you to show our gratitude to the TF2 team, which despite their distasteful procrastination, have come together to fully improve and mend the game, and bring us a new major update. And of course to TF2's community for holding out so long.

TL: DR - Please help show appreciate to the TF2 community and TF2 team by nominating it for "The Labor Of Love" steam award.

steam page - http://store.steampowered.com/app/440/Team_Fortress_2/ to vote

Other parts of the community are doing this as well.
