
Uncharitable Spy
Would it be too much to ask that the admins, after reviewing a report and decide on the outcome, would just write something short instead of just flag the thread as "resolved"?

Maybe just "banned 24 hours for racism" so we'd know.

Just saw a report of "homophobic behavior" and the guy said "faggot" and also "i will rape you irl".. "resolved". Was it because he said "faggot" or the real life threat of rape? And did he get banned or muted/ gagged?


Australian Skial God
You can easily figure out resolved reports by yourself if you look into them. But also

It's actually nobodies business if and what people are punished with except for the people being punished.

I don't go around IRL and ask cops why they have pulled over people on the roads and highways.


Gaben's Own Aimbot
It's actually nobodies business if and what people are punished with except for the people being punished.
I guess it's worthwhile knowing what the outcome is if you are the one who made the report.