Spirit 2

Scarcely Lethal Noob
Okay so, I`ve decided that i wont play League anymore because i spent to much money on it and got only bored. Instead I`m playing CS:GO full time and I need some skins. This account is on EUNE server it doesn`t have any type of ban (either chat ban or game ban). Current ELO is platinum 5. Account has 67 champions and a plenty of skins which are: Spirit Guard Udyr, Divine Soraka, Sun Goddes Karma, Blood Moon Akali, Victorious Morgana, Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere, Dragonwing Corki, Pool Party Renekton, Scorched Earth Xerath, Monarch Kog`Maw, Infernal Nasus, Sherwood Forest Ashe, Choosen Master Yi, Rocket Girl Tristana, Dragon Fist Lee Sin and Archlight Vayne. DONT TRY TO SCAMM ME, I know every way possible, and I am not going first. WHO DOESNT LIKE GOING FIRST JUST SKIP THE POST.

Thanks for your time.

Have a nice day!