
Scarcely Lethal Noob
Fair trade please,i give you the account first and you can play some games if you want,then you give me the skins then i transfer it on your email. Easy. If you're affraid that i will scamm you ,don't worry you can get your items back with a small ticket to steam support, as easy as that i can get my account back if something bad happens. But i can assure you that nothing will happen with the account.
Gold 5 account with 88 champions and 48 skins:

1) Captain Gankplank
2) Blade Mistress Morgana
3) Panda Teemo
4) Dark Rider Sejuani
5) Dreadknight Garen
6) Scarlet Hammer Poppy
7) Battleborn Kayle
8) Tango Twisted Fate
9) Pentakill Karthus
10) Assasin Master Yi
11) Golden Alistar
12) Unchained Alistar
13) Explorer Ezreal
14) Riot Girl Tristana
15) Fiddlemetimbers
16) Riot Blitzcrank
17) Battlecast prime Cho'gath
18) Blood Moon Shen
19) Pentakill Sona
20) PROJECT: Leona
21) Marauder Olaf
22) Lumberjack Sion
23) Sweetheart Annie
24) Constable Trundle
25) Little Knight Amumu
26) Forsaken Olaf
27) Frozen Shen
28) Volcanic Wukong
29) Mecha Malphite
30) Sandstorm Ekko
31) Jade Fang Cassiopeia
32) Vandal Gragas
33) Arcade Hecarim
34) Warmonger Sion
35) Vandal Jax
36) Yellow Jacket Shen
37) Forecast Janna
38) Debonair Galio
39) DJ Sona
40) Infernal Nasus
41) Hillbilly Gragas
42) Warden Jax
43) Safecracker Evelynn
44) Red Card Twisted Fate
45) Pulsefire Ezreal
46) Kitty cat Katarina (very expensive one)
47) Special Agent Xin Zhao
48) Spirit Guard Udyr

I'm willing to get around 70-75E in skins. I've put exactly 162E on this account(do the math if you want),i guess i'm really overpaying.