Kenneth G.

Somewhat Threatening Sniper
Servers: | dustbowl+ | EU


Time Zone:

UTC/GMT +2 hours, Europe.
I'm currently employed so I'm usally not available from 8:30am to 4:30pm (weekdays)


I'm more a lone-wolf, I barely know anybody expect the server I'm highly active on, and I don't think I've known them that good enough to ask them to come here yet.
But it's never too late the make new friends? ;)

Admin Experience:

Unfortunately I have no experiences online, but I've got some experiences of 'bossing' in real life jobs(If that counts;p)

Will you get mad if you lose admin:

No, I would just be honored to have the chance.

Additional Information:

Well, my name is Kenneth, 22 years old, from Norway.
My current acitivies are more or less gaming and studying C++(dreaming to become a game programmer;p).

The users here must think who the hell am I, and I wouldn't blame you for questioning that,
as my activity on the forum is great, but I rarely posts anything because I never feel I have anything smart to say;p
I guess i'm most known on dustbowl+ | EU with the players there.

I find myself a pretty calm righteous guy, I know the difference between fair and cheat and think I would contribute great to help the war against rule-breakers,
and would find this as a great oppertunity to gain more experience on how to keep a great gaming-environment.

Thats just about it!
Feel free to ask me for anything if I left something out.
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Gaben's Own Aimbot
hope you can get some support from the regulars on EU+ Dustbowl
btw i may pop on there since my ping is pretty decent to EU


Mildly Menacing Medic
I know this guy personally, and I think he's the right guy for the job. He has been playing tons lately, and I rarely see admins on EU+ Dustbowl, so I think it will be a good fit.
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