Silent MorningStar

Scarcely Lethal Noob
Hello!, and let me introduce Quetzalbot, a Dota 2 Trading Software Prototype coded to trade Treasure Keys for (Almost All) Rares and viceversa.

  • The bot will automatically add 1 Treasure key for 5 rares that the user adds.
  • The bot will add 1 rare when the whe user use the command add name on the trade window.
  • The bot will remove 1 rare when the whe user use the command remove name on the trade window.
  • The bot will add the item you drag from its inventory to the chat (private message) window and remove it if you drag it again.
  • The bot will accept 2 rares offered by the user for each rare which the bot adds to the trade.
  • The bot won't pay for Treasure Chests nor Recipes.
Because of the lack friends that trade Dota 2 items, i couldn't perform all required test, so please, tell me what do you think.