
Truly Feared Pyro
Just creating this thread for my millions and millions of fans out there. I m going to be taking a break from TF2 for a while. I yesterday made the best decision of my life and purchased Diablo 3. Two words...... Friggin Awesome!!!!.... Despite the instability issues that Blizzard was having with there servers, as of now things seem to have become more stable. Again let me say..... Friggin Awesome!!!!! Highly reccomend this game to anyone who even remotly enjoyed Diablo 2.

I shall miss my friends on us21, especially belokk (no homo). If anyone would like to join me in the soul sucking fun that is Diablo 3 my gamer tag is Stemious.

Good luck and god speed to my fellow TF2 addicts. One day when the world is at its darkest, and Cinic has sucked the fun out of every Skial server i shall make my glorious return. Until that day i leave you with these words. Your stupid and i never really liked any of you.


Australian Skial God
You'll spend less time with it when you get to Inferno! I've never wanted to throw my monitor at the wall more ;D


I am about done with it I think. It was fun but not as fun as D2 was.
  • No PvP.
  • Legendary (rarest drops) are almost never better than rares which drop about once every 10 minutes. There's only a handful of unique attributes on each one most of them are very weak.
  • The last difficulty inferno is really boring. Everything will kill you in 1-2 hits even with the best equipment.
  • So generally the endgame is like this: kill a few monsters for a minute, get hit by a stray hit caused by lag, respawn, get killed by champion monsters that are impossible to kill, respawn, run away or restart the game.
  • Blizzard made massive nerfs to wizards, so there are people in A4 inferno farming the best equipment in the game while everyone else is stuck on A2 inferno.
  • You need the equipment from A3 and A4 inferno to beat A2 inferno, so everyone that is stuck there is farming millions of gold to buy the items the A4 exploiters put on the auction house.
The best class right now is demon hunter.


Australian Skial God
I am about done with it I think. It was fun but not as fun as D2 was.
  • No PvP.
  • Legendary (rarest drops) are almost never better than rares which drop about once every 10 minutes. There's only a handful of unique attributes on each one most of them are very weak.
  • The last difficulty inferno is really boring. Everything will kill you in 1-2 hits even with the best equipment.
  • So generally the endgame is like this: kill a few monsters for a minute, get hit by a stray hit caused by lag, respawn, get killed by champion monsters that are impossible to kill, respawn, run away or restart the game.
  • Blizzard made massive nerfs to wizards, so there are people in A4 inferno farming the best equipment in the game while everyone else is stuck on A2 inferno.
  • You need the equipment from A3 and A4 inferno to beat A2 inferno, so everyone that is stuck there is farming millions of gold to buy the items the A4 exploiters put on the auction house.
The best class right now is demon hunter.

I pretty much universally agree with all these points, I'm almost glad PVP doesn't exist just yet however as it would be so retardedly imbalanced it'd be next to unplayable. The game is still enjoyable, but it still feels like I'm getting ready to take a kick right in the sack every time I load it up.


Truly Feared Pyro
Well i have yet to experience inferno, i have heard some bad things about it. You should keep in mind though that its a matter of time before things get balanced out. As any online gaming experience, its always changing, and always headed towards more balance.

I could give or take PVP. Im more about single player and co-op. I dont know if you played diablo 2 when it was first released. But it had more then its share of balance issues.


The game made my arm hurt. Major turn-off.

That, and the end-game is pretty terrible, plus the risk from playing public games and having your stuff stolen is pretty awful.


Australian Skial God
Got it today, despite all the crap it's taking. I just need something to get me through summer break, it's doing quite nicely so far. I'm sure with the all flak it's taking from diablo veterans Blizzard will buff and tweak certain areas and classes. They have to be delicate with this kind of stuff.


Well i have yet to experience inferno, i have heard some bad things about it. You should keep in mind though that its a matter of time before things get balanced out. As any online gaming experience, its always changing, and always headed towards more balance.

I could give or take PVP. Im more about single player and co-op. I dont know if you played diablo 2 when it was first released. But it had more then its share of balance issues.

Was on D2 on day 1. D2 hell mode is no where like D3 inferno.

There is a good chance that Blizzard intended inferno to be like this which is why they nerfed wizards, and every other class is finding it pretty much impossible except for demon hunters who can usually kill at least 1 champion before dying. This also raises gold demand so the RMAH will make Blizzard more money.

The game made my arm hurt. Major turn-off.

That, and the end-game is pretty terrible, plus the risk from playing public games and having your stuff stolen is pretty awful.

Everyone's drops are private unless you decide to drop it yourself.


Australian Skial God
I was actually considering this before - perhaps they want it to be impossibly cheap (emphasis on cheap not hard) so people are forced to buying gear from the RMAH which they get a considerable cut of....a few people will be devoted and farm the gold by running the same act over and over again - but as Diablo is more targeted at the older of us, I daresay many of us will probably end up just buying gold and/or items off the RMAH to get it over with. I enjoyed act 1, I will probably enjoy it a lot less the 600th kill on the Skeleton King getting garbage for the 600th time.

Doctor Who

Australian Skial God
Just creating this thread for my millions and millions of fans out there. I m going to be taking a break from TF2 for a while. I yesterday made the best decision of my life and purchased Diablo 3. Two words...... Friggin Awesome!!!!.... Despite the instability issues that Blizzard was having with there servers, as of now things seem to have become more stable. Again let me say..... Friggin Awesome!!!!! Highly reccomend this game to anyone who even remotly enjoyed Diablo 2.

I shall miss my friends on us21, especially belokk (no homo). If anyone would like to join me in the soul sucking fun that is Diablo 3 my gamer tag is Stemious.

Good luck and god speed to my fellow TF2 addicts. One day when the world is at its darkest, and Cinic has sucked the fun out of every Skial server i shall make my glorious return. Until that day i leave you with these words. Your stupid and i never really liked any of you.
I'm sad. You were the most fun player to play with. I hope you come back soon. Can't wait for the next time I hear you yelling into the mic.


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