
Dear Silent Assassin
Dear Silent Assassin,
I've seen you plenty of times on skial server's 24/7 Hightower constantly spamming either the [Cow Mangler charge shot while wearing the Tin Soldier costume set]( or rarely using the spamming the huntsman(I haven't been able to document this yet) . Now I'm not here to tell you how to play because everyone enjoys tf2 in their own way and I respect that but instead I'm here to entice you to explore and play around the vast world known as Hightower. Hightower is home to a vast amount of players varying in skill level and playstyle. No one player you run into will be quite the same so your experience will be different aside from the daily 24/7 Hightower players such as myself! If your reasoning for not wanting to leave spawn is because you don't wanna seem like a bad , don't worry about that! As a tf2 player since 2011 , I can assure you we all started somewhere and you can only get better as your casual(or perhaps competitive down the road) career continues! You never seem to talk and I've never checked out your profile so for all I know you could be some professional player in disguise as a robot soldier , and if that is the case then this whole little letter thing is kinda awkward. But if you do just so happen to see this and you're new to the game, feel free to add me on [Steam]( and I'd be more than happy to lend you some knowledge and give you some of my extra weapons I have laying around. Hope I see you around more Silent Assassin!

Author: SeltWarfare